Luz nocturna

Un amigo nos manda esta maravillosa foto nocturna de Gran Canaria, Vilaflor view from atop the south of the neighboring island of Tenerife.

It is interesting to note the degree of light pollution that has been concentrated in such a short space of time. And considering that there is a specific law that protects the quality the sky in the archipelago, the Law 31/1988 of 31 October on the Astronomical Quality Protection.
That statute establishes very basic principles for the management and treatment of urban lighting to ensure the possibility of stargazing at its best in certain parts of the islands. Above all, those that have significant cosmos observatories, like the Canadas del Teide in Tenerife and Roque de los Muchachos on the island of La Palma.
Photos: Tomás Sánchez Peraza

Here's a video that explains the reasons for this measure:

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