Mini Apartment

Interesante propuesta para una en un espacio muy vivienda reducido.

9 comments to Mini Apartment

  • Muy interesante.
    Una solución smart to el existenz minimun (as it llamaron them architects del Movimiento Moderno). Es posible that el espacio of this apartment exceeds them in 20 m2. Necesidad obliga.
    S evident that con unos buenos proyectistas, dedication competent artesanos y unos de la construcción is consiguen magnificent results con una muy contemporary aesthetic aceptable. No es una cuestión of dinero, bell know y hacer el devote esfuerzo al diseño.

  • Salvador Martín Gautier

    Yo he seen in crisis by the ninguna Federico. inmueble el costo una folder u amueblarlo también.

  • Marili Lorenzo del Pino

    I think Salvador is right, but m'encantaría get something like.

  • Obviously, everything costs money. But, right now, a large part of the population can not aspire to a conventional three-room house, with mortgage including. An 30% unemployed in the Canary Islands , reaches a 50% on … youngest strata, no choice but to reflect and expound on that imaginative solutions have overtones of being really feasible. That was the real purpose for publishing this video.

  • Tomás Dorta

    Very interesting solution, at School exercises spent years working on minimum housing and employing in closets habatibles or sliding elements to resolve issues of scarcity d space, I myself have made some ejercic …ios housing projects in plant 3.75×9, if I remember and went very curious and practical solutions. Another idea is to put the bed on the floor, solution used by the Japanese in a project can not remember name or author….
    These ideas youth minimum housing, are easily constructed and reduce costs if used for groups of them, producing furniture in series on an industrial scale; student housing in urban centers, social housing for young, etc..

  • Divine Enfant

    Good solution and good finishes, that does not look cheap, but surely is a much more economical solution to get trapped into a house or similar with three bedrooms….actually not needed anyone.
    Confirms what is already known: you can live very decently, with style and amenities that exceed the minimum, a few square meters.

  • Martin Salvador Gautier

    Dear Federico, such solutions “imaginative”, neither are, not have any semblance of being a feasible. The ships are like floating plus. (but they are very expensive).
    Housing's, but not accessible to all. This administration can fix, which by now should be the owner of more than one bank, and hand the homes they have in stock. For example !!!

  • Maria Leon Ferreiro

    Very interesting and more appealing to inhabit many newly built homes will triple the space but hardly compete with the privilege of those views. Don't move, Improve! Thanks for sharing, Federico!

  • Very interesting and realistic (with 25 m2, that it can be) has certificate of occupancy in the Canaries. And much more fun than minimum existenz claims. And not like the boat tide Salvi. Regards, Federico.