Trinity Knot Park. Batlle and Roig

On countless occasions I had heard of this urban park, but I had not realized until I met her peculiarity its intricacies in the last lecture given last year 2008 by one of the authors, Enric Batlle, en la demarcación de Tenerife del Colegio de Arquitectos de Canarias.El Nudo de la Trinidad (Nus de la Trinitat) se encuentra en el nordeste de Barcelona y es uno de los lugares con más conflicto de tráfico de la ciudad. En este punto confluyen diversas vías como la Ronda Litoral, la Ronda de Dalt, Autopista C-58 Sabadell-Terrasa-Manresa, Autopista C-33 Girona-Francia o la Autopista hacia el Maresme.

Lo realmente interesante de este proyecto es como sus autores Enric Batlle y Joan Roig son capaces de generar un espacio urbano de gran calidad en medio de un nudo de autopistas y ferrocarriles, que además es vital para la región donde se ubica. Logran convertir un lugar inhóspito y desagradable, apparently would scrap for all citizens, in a space of opportunity in which to locate a park on a large scale where vineyards are, olive groves, espalier fruit and even a river. They are certainly reminiscent of a rural world that travel through these channels from other parts of the country to come together in this place of meeting. Another project of his, landscape recovery Garraf landfill, offend again in this strategy to return to the public a totally degraded.

The park protects the ground handling noise by using geometric shapes but emphatic as the circular mound or other blunt curved lines that "ordered" the sense of traffic chaos. A circular gallery divides the park into an area within an outer. The multitude of converging lines of traffic, the project is enhanced by incorporating vegetation bands, water and edge elements. As I said in his statement Batlle, present trees line up across the proposed mound like soldiers in battle moving in single file. It seems clear that connectivity is the key to making this space a success.

6 comments to Park Trinity Knot. Batlle and Roig

  • Patricia

    Yes, the truth is that it is amazing. I have also heard about it at some conferences, but I think it is best to go there to appreciate it. I was recently in Barcelona but did not see, and now I regret. Is it when you see it in general photos or your own city map wanna run away because they give a little scary all those knots surrounding roads. It looks like a cozy place, but when you see the pictures of the inside of the park, there is a great environmental quality. Let, that in my next trip to Barcelona the first visit will be to the Trinity Park.

  • I also hope to see you soon. We'll see if the sensations to be there are the expected. In any such proposals I envy what you can get to do in cities like Barcelona. We will have to take such…

  • I'm afraid, Ralf, you'll be late for that have been demolished in the most built.
    I went through there, on Wednesday and no longer looked the same in the treatment of the gardens.
    Things of pogreso!

  • In the end, I'll stay with the desire to see. And I thought such things only happened in the Canaries…

  • What a shame that this wonderful city of Barcelona has been partially demolished, I guess for restoration or something. Hopefully soon to be restored to visit such a wonderful place like this.

  • What an interesting place to visit, hopefully soon this restored for your visit, as soon visitare Barcelona and I hope to get my foot in the place. Regards.